Senior Secondary Curriculum

In the first year of the Senior Secondary School (SS1), all students do a maximum of 12 and a minimum of 11 subjects. The following table lists subjects offered and possible option groups in the Senior Secondary School:

Compulsory Cross-Cutting Subjects

  1. English Language
  2. General Mathematics
  3. Civic Education
  4. Trade/Entrepreneurship Subject (Catering Craft Practice OR Data Processing OR

Compulsory Subjects

  1. Biology
  2. Economics
  3. Christian Religious Knowledge (CRK) is a compulsory choice for all Christian students

Elective Groups

Only one subject can be selected from a given group.

  1. Literature-in-English or Geography or commerce
  2. Agricultural Science or Technical Drawing or Foods & Nutrition
  3. Further Mathematics or Visual Art
  4. Physics or Government or Music
  5. Chemistry or History
  6. Computer Studies or Geography
  7. French Language or Hausa Language

Applications Now Open

School Address

41 Colliery Avenue GRA,
Enugu, Nigeria.

08067156504, 07033280346, 08076341877

Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.


Social Info

Student Resources